GstVideo Ancillary

A collection of objects and methods to assist with handling Ancillary Data present in Vertical Blanking Interval as well as Closed Caption.


GstMeta for carrying SMPTE-291M Ancillary data. Note that all the ADF fields (@DID to checksum) are 10bit values with parity/non-parity high-bits set.


meta (GstMeta) –

Parent GstMeta

field (GstAncillaryMetaField) –

The field where the ancillary data is located

c_not_y_channel (gboolean) –

Which channel (luminance or chrominance) the ancillary data is located. 0 if content is SD or stored in the luminance channel (default). 1 if HD and stored in the chrominance channel.

line (guint16) –

The line on which the ancillary data is located (max 11bit). There are two special values: 0x7ff if no line is specified (default), 0x7fe to specify the ancillary data is on any valid line before active video

offset (guint16) –

The location of the ancillary data packet in a SDI raster relative to the start of active video (max 12bits). A value of 0 means the ADF of the ancillary packet starts immediately following SAV. There are 3 special values: 0xfff: No specified location (default), 0xffe: within HANC data space, 0xffd: within the ancillary data space located between SAV and EAV

DID (guint16) –

Data Identified

SDID_block_number (guint16) –

Secondary Data identification (if type 2) or Data block number (if type 1)

data_count (guint16) –

The amount of user data

data (guint16 *) –

The User data

checksum (guint16) –

The checksum of the ADF

Since : 1.24


Gst.Meta for carrying SMPTE-291M Ancillary data. Note that all the ADF fields (@DID to checksum) are 10bit values with parity/non-parity high-bits set.


meta (Gst.Meta) –

Parent Gst.Meta

The field where the ancillary data is located

c_not_y_channel (Number) –

Which channel (luminance or chrominance) the ancillary data is located. 0 if content is SD or stored in the luminance channel (default). 1 if HD and stored in the chrominance channel.

line (Number) –

The line on which the ancillary data is located (max 11bit). There are two special values: 0x7ff if no line is specified (default), 0x7fe to specify the ancillary data is on any valid line before active video

offset (Number) –

The location of the ancillary data packet in a SDI raster relative to the start of active video (max 12bits). A value of 0 means the ADF of the ancillary packet starts immediately following SAV. There are 3 special values: 0xfff: No specified location (default), 0xffe: within HANC data space, 0xffd: within the ancillary data space located between SAV and EAV

DID (Number) –

Data Identified

SDID_block_number (Number) –

Secondary Data identification (if type 2) or Data block number (if type 1)

data_count (Number) –

The amount of user data

data (Number) –

The User data

checksum (Number) –

The checksum of the ADF

Since : 1.24


Gst.Meta for carrying SMPTE-291M Ancillary data. Note that all the ADF fields (@DID to checksum) are 10bit values with parity/non-parity high-bits set.


meta (Gst.Meta) –

Parent Gst.Meta

The field where the ancillary data is located

c_not_y_channel (bool) –

Which channel (luminance or chrominance) the ancillary data is located. 0 if content is SD or stored in the luminance channel (default). 1 if HD and stored in the chrominance channel.

line (int) –

The line on which the ancillary data is located (max 11bit). There are two special values: 0x7ff if no line is specified (default), 0x7fe to specify the ancillary data is on any valid line before active video

offset (int) –

The location of the ancillary data packet in a SDI raster relative to the start of active video (max 12bits). A value of 0 means the ADF of the ancillary packet starts immediately following SAV. There are 3 special values: 0xfff: No specified location (default), 0xffe: within HANC data space, 0xffd: within the ancillary data space located between SAV and EAV

DID (int) –

Data Identified

SDID_block_number (int) –

Secondary Data identification (if type 2) or Data block number (if type 1)

data_count (int) –

The amount of user data

data (int) –

The User data

checksum (int) –

The checksum of the ADF

Since : 1.24


Active Format Description (AFD)

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics

and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes

and SMPTE ST2016-1


meta (GstMeta) –

parent GstMeta

field (guint8) –

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

spec (GstVideoAFDSpec) –

GstVideoAFDSpec that applies to afd

afd (GstVideoAFDValue) –

GstVideoAFDValue AFD value

Since : 1.18


Active Format Description (AFD)

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics

and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes

and SMPTE ST2016-1


meta (Gst.Meta) –

parent Gst.Meta

field (Number) –

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec that applies to afd

Since : 1.18


Active Format Description (AFD)

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics

and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes

and SMPTE ST2016-1


meta (Gst.Meta) –

parent Gst.Meta

field (int) –

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec that applies to afd

Since : 1.18



const GstMetaInfo *
gst_video_afd_meta_get_info ()
No description available


function GstVideo.prototype.video_afd_meta_get_info(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_afd_meta_get_info'
Returns (Gst.MetaInfo)
No description available


def GstVideo.video_afd_meta_get_info ():
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_afd_meta_get_info'
Returns (Gst.MetaInfo)
No description available


Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.

Note that the contents of the data are always stored as 8bit data (i.e. do not contain the parity check bits).


DID (guint8) –

The Data Identifier

SDID_block_number (guint8) –

The Secondary Data Identifier (if type 2) or the Data Block Number (if type 1)

data_count (guint8) –

The amount of data (in bytes) in data (max 255 bytes)

data (guint8 *) –

The user data content of the Ancillary packet. Does not contain the ADF, DID, SDID nor CS.

Since : 1.16


Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.

Note that the contents of the data are always stored as 8bit data (i.e. do not contain the parity check bits).


DID (Number) –

The Data Identifier

SDID_block_number (Number) –

The Secondary Data Identifier (if type 2) or the Data Block Number (if type 1)

data_count (Number) –

The amount of data (in bytes) in data (max 255 bytes)

data ([ Number ]) –

The user data content of the Ancillary packet. Does not contain the ADF, DID, SDID nor CS.

Since : 1.16


Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.

Note that the contents of the data are always stored as 8bit data (i.e. do not contain the parity check bits).


DID (int) –

The Data Identifier

SDID_block_number (int) –

The Secondary Data Identifier (if type 2) or the Data Block Number (if type 1)

data_count (int) –

The amount of data (in bytes) in data (max 255 bytes)

data ([ int ]) –

The user data content of the Ancillary packet. Does not contain the ADF, DID, SDID nor CS.

Since : 1.16


Bar data should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame and AFD alone is insufficient to describe the extent of the image.

Note: either vertical or horizontal bars are specified, but not both.

For more details, see:

and SMPTE ST2016-1


meta (GstMeta) –

parent GstMeta

field (guint8) –

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

is_letterbox (gboolean) –

if true then bar data specifies letterbox, otherwise pillarbox

bar_data1 (guint) –

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the last line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at top of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the last horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the left side of the reconstructed frame

bar_data2 (guint) –

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the first line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at bottom of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the first horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the right side of the reconstructed frame.

Since : 1.18


Bar data should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame and AFD alone is insufficient to describe the extent of the image.

Note: either vertical or horizontal bars are specified, but not both.

For more details, see:

and SMPTE ST2016-1


meta (Gst.Meta) –

parent Gst.Meta

field (Number) –

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

is_letterbox (Number) –

if true then bar data specifies letterbox, otherwise pillarbox

bar_data1 (Number) –

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the last line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at top of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the last horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the left side of the reconstructed frame

bar_data2 (Number) –

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the first line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at bottom of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the first horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the right side of the reconstructed frame.

Since : 1.18


Bar data should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame and AFD alone is insufficient to describe the extent of the image.

Note: either vertical or horizontal bars are specified, but not both.

For more details, see:

and SMPTE ST2016-1


meta (Gst.Meta) –

parent Gst.Meta

field (int) –

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

is_letterbox (bool) –

if true then bar data specifies letterbox, otherwise pillarbox

bar_data1 (int) –

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the last line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at top of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the last horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the left side of the reconstructed frame

bar_data2 (int) –

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the first line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at bottom of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the first horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the right side of the reconstructed frame.

Since : 1.18



const GstMetaInfo *
gst_video_bar_meta_get_info ()
No description available


function GstVideo.prototype.video_bar_meta_get_info(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_bar_meta_get_info'
Returns (Gst.MetaInfo)
No description available


def GstVideo.video_bar_meta_get_info ():
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_bar_meta_get_info'
Returns (Gst.MetaInfo)
No description available


Extra buffer metadata providing Closed Caption.


meta (GstMeta) –

parent GstMeta

caption_type (GstVideoCaptionType) –

The type of Closed Caption contained in the meta.

data (guint8 *) –

The Closed Caption data.

size (gsize) –

The size in bytes of data

Since : 1.16


Extra buffer metadata providing Closed Caption.


meta (Gst.Meta) –

parent Gst.Meta

caption_type (GstVideo.VideoCaptionType) –

The type of Closed Caption contained in the meta.

data ([ Number ]) –

The Closed Caption data.

size (Number) –

The size in bytes of data

Since : 1.16


Extra buffer metadata providing Closed Caption.


meta (Gst.Meta) –

parent Gst.Meta

caption_type (GstVideo.VideoCaptionType) –

The type of Closed Caption contained in the meta.

data ([ int ]) –

The Closed Caption data.

size (int) –

The size in bytes of data

Since : 1.16



const GstMetaInfo *
gst_video_caption_meta_get_info ()
No description available


function GstVideo.prototype.video_caption_meta_get_info(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_meta_get_info'
Returns (Gst.MetaInfo)
No description available


def GstVideo.video_caption_meta_get_info ():
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_meta_get_info'
Returns (Gst.MetaInfo)
No description available


An encoder for writing ancillary data to the Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.

Since : 1.16


An encoder for writing ancillary data to the Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.

Since : 1.16


An encoder for writing ancillary data to the Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.

Since : 1.16



GstVideoVBIEncoder *
gst_video_vbi_encoder_new (GstVideoFormat format,
                           guint32 pixel_width)

Create a new GstVideoVBIEncoder for the specified format and pixel_width.



a GstVideoFormat


The width in pixel to use

Returns ( [nullable])

The new GstVideoVBIEncoder or NULL if the format and/or pixel_width is not supported.

Since : 1.16

function GstVideo.VideoFormat, pixel_width: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_new'

Create a new GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder for the specified format and pixel_width.


pixel_width (Number)

The width in pixel to use

Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)

The new GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder or null if the format and/or pixel_width is not supported.

Since : 1.16

def (format, pixel_width):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_new'

Create a new GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder for the specified format and pixel_width.


pixel_width (int)

The width in pixel to use

Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)

The new GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder or None if the format and/or pixel_width is not supported.

Since : 1.16



gst_video_vbi_encoder_add_ancillary (GstVideoVBIEncoder * encoder,
                                     gboolean composite,
                                     guint8 DID,
                                     guint8 SDID_block_number,
                                     const guint8 * data,
                                     guint data_count)

Stores Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.

Note that the contents of the data are always read as 8bit data (i.e. do not contain the parity check bits).



a GstVideoVBIEncoder


TRUE if composite ADF should be created, component otherwise


The Data Identifier


The Secondary Data Identifier (if type 2) or the Data Block Number (if type 1)

data ( [arraylength=data_count])

The user data content of the Ancillary packet. Does not contain the ADF, DID, SDID nor CS.


The amount of data (in bytes) in data (max 255 bytes)


TRUE if enough space was left in the current line, FALSE otherwise.

Since : 1.16


function GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder.prototype.add_ancillary(composite: Number, DID: Number, SDID_block_number: Number, data: [ Number ], data_count: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_add_ancillary'

Stores Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.

Note that the contents of the data are always read as 8bit data (i.e. do not contain the parity check bits).


composite (Number)

true if composite ADF should be created, component otherwise

DID (Number)

The Data Identifier

SDID_block_number (Number)

The Secondary Data Identifier (if type 2) or the Data Block Number (if type 1)

data ([ Number ])

The user data content of the Ancillary packet. Does not contain the ADF, DID, SDID nor CS.

data_count (Number)

The amount of data (in bytes) in data (max 255 bytes)

Returns (Number)

true if enough space was left in the current line, false otherwise.

Since : 1.16


def GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder.add_ancillary (self, composite, DID, SDID_block_number, data, data_count):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_add_ancillary'

Stores Video Ancillary data, according to SMPTE-291M specification.

Note that the contents of the data are always read as 8bit data (i.e. do not contain the parity check bits).


composite (bool)

True if composite ADF should be created, component otherwise

DID (int)

The Data Identifier

SDID_block_number (int)

The Secondary Data Identifier (if type 2) or the Data Block Number (if type 1)

data ([ int ])

The user data content of the Ancillary packet. Does not contain the ADF, DID, SDID nor CS.

data_count (int)

The amount of data (in bytes) in data (max 255 bytes)

Returns (bool)

True if enough space was left in the current line, False otherwise.

Since : 1.16


GstVideoVBIEncoder *
gst_video_vbi_encoder_copy (const GstVideoVBIEncoder * encoder)


No description available
No description available


function GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder.prototype.copy(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_copy'


encoder (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)
No description available
Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)
No description available


def GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder.copy (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_copy'


encoder (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)
No description available
Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)
No description available


gst_video_vbi_encoder_free (GstVideoVBIEncoder * encoder)

Frees the encoder.



a GstVideoVBIEncoder

Since : 1.16

function {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_free'

Frees the encoder.

Since : 1.16

def (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_free'

Frees the encoder.

Since : 1.16


gst_video_vbi_encoder_write_line (GstVideoVBIEncoder * encoder,
                                  guint8 * data)


No description available
No description available


function GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder.prototype.write_line(data: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_write_line'


encoder (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)
No description available
data (Number)
No description available


def GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder.write_line (self, data):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_encoder_write_line'


encoder (GstVideo.VideoVBIEncoder)
No description available
data (int)
No description available


A parser for detecting and extracting GstVideoAncillary data from Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.

Since : 1.16


A parser for detecting and extracting GstVideoAncillary data from Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.

Since : 1.16


A parser for detecting and extracting GstVideoAncillary data from Vertical Blanking Interval lines of component signals.

Since : 1.16



GstVideoVBIParser *
gst_video_vbi_parser_new (GstVideoFormat format,
                          guint32 pixel_width)

Create a new GstVideoVBIParser for the specified format and pixel_width.



a GstVideoFormat


The width in pixel to use

Returns ( [nullable])

The new GstVideoVBIParser or NULL if the format and/or pixel_width is not supported.

Since : 1.16

function GstVideo.VideoFormat, pixel_width: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_new'

Create a new GstVideo.VideoVBIParser for the specified format and pixel_width.


pixel_width (Number)

The width in pixel to use

Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIParser)

The new GstVideo.VideoVBIParser or null if the format and/or pixel_width is not supported.

Since : 1.16

def (format, pixel_width):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_new'

Create a new GstVideo.VideoVBIParser for the specified format and pixel_width.


pixel_width (int)

The width in pixel to use

Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIParser)

The new GstVideo.VideoVBIParser or None if the format and/or pixel_width is not supported.

Since : 1.16



gst_video_vbi_parser_add_line (GstVideoVBIParser * parser,
                               const guint8 * data)

Provide a new line of data to the parser. Call gst_video_vbi_parser_get_ancillary to get the Ancillary data that might be present on that line.



a GstVideoVBIParser

data ( [array][transfer: none])

The line of data to parse

Since : 1.16


function GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.prototype.add_line(data: [ Number ]): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_add_line'

Provide a new line of data to the parser. Call GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.prototype.get_ancillary to get the Ancillary data that might be present on that line.


data ([ Number ])

The line of data to parse

Since : 1.16


def GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.add_line (self, data):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_add_line'

Provide a new line of data to the parser. Call GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.get_ancillary to get the Ancillary data that might be present on that line.


data ([ int ])

The line of data to parse

Since : 1.16


GstVideoVBIParser *
gst_video_vbi_parser_copy (const GstVideoVBIParser * parser)


No description available
No description available


function GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.prototype.copy(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_copy'


No description available
Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIParser)
No description available


def GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.copy (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_copy'


No description available
Returns (GstVideo.VideoVBIParser)
No description available


gst_video_vbi_parser_free (GstVideoVBIParser * parser)

Frees the parser.



a GstVideoVBIParser

Since : 1.16

function {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_free'

Frees the parser.

Since : 1.16

def (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_free'

Frees the parser.

Since : 1.16


gst_video_vbi_parser_get_ancillary (GstVideoVBIParser * parser,
                                    GstVideoAncillary * anc)

Parse the line provided previously by gst_video_vbi_parser_add_line.



a GstVideoVBIParser

anc ( [out])

a GstVideoAncillary to start the eventual ancillary data


GST_VIDEO_VBI_PARSER_RESULT_OK if ancillary data was found and anc was filled. GST_VIDEO_VBI_PARSER_RESULT_DONE if there wasn't any data.

Since : 1.16


function GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.prototype.get_ancillary(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_get_ancillary'

Parse the line provided previously by GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.prototype.add_line.

Returns a tuple made of:

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.OK if ancillary data was found and anc was filled. GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.DONE if there wasn't any data.

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.OK if ancillary data was found and anc was filled. GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.DONE if there wasn't any data.

Since : 1.16


def GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.get_ancillary (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_vbi_parser_get_ancillary'

Parse the line provided previously by GstVideo.VideoVBIParser.add_line.

Returns a tuple made of:

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.OK if ancillary data was found and anc was filled. GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.DONE if there wasn't any data.

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.OK if ancillary data was found and anc was filled. GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.DONE if there wasn't any data.

Since : 1.16



GstAncillaryMeta *
gst_buffer_add_ancillary_meta (GstBuffer * buffer)

Adds a new GstAncillaryMeta to the buffer. The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate fields.



A GstBuffer

Returns ( [transfer: none])

A new GstAncillaryMeta, or NULL if an error happened.

Since : 1.24


function GstVideo.prototype.buffer_add_ancillary_meta(buffer: Gst.Buffer): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_ancillary_meta'

Adds a new GstVideo.AncillaryMeta to the buffer. The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate fields.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

A Gst.Buffer

Returns (GstVideo.AncillaryMeta)

A new GstVideo.AncillaryMeta, or null if an error happened.

Since : 1.24


def GstVideo.buffer_add_ancillary_meta (buffer):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_ancillary_meta'

Adds a new GstVideo.AncillaryMeta to the buffer. The caller is responsible for setting the appropriate fields.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

A Gst.Buffer

Returns (GstVideo.AncillaryMeta)

A new GstVideo.AncillaryMeta, or None if an error happened.

Since : 1.24


GstVideoAFDMeta *
gst_buffer_add_video_afd_meta (GstBuffer * buffer,
                               guint8 field,
                               GstVideoAFDSpec spec,
                               GstVideoAFDValue afd)

Attaches GstVideoAFDMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.



a GstBuffer


0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2


GstVideoAFDSpec that applies to AFD value


GstVideoAFDValue AFD enumeration

Returns ( [transfer: none])

the GstVideoAFDMeta on buffer.

Since : 1.18


function GstVideo.prototype.buffer_add_video_afd_meta(buffer: Gst.Buffer, field: Number, spec: GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec, afd: GstVideo.VideoAFDValue): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_video_afd_meta'

Attaches GstVideo.VideoAFDMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

a Gst.Buffer

field (Number)

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec that applies to AFD value

Returns (GstVideo.VideoAFDMeta)

the GstVideo.VideoAFDMeta on buffer.

Since : 1.18


def GstVideo.buffer_add_video_afd_meta (buffer, field, spec, afd):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_video_afd_meta'

Attaches GstVideo.VideoAFDMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

a Gst.Buffer

field (int)

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec that applies to AFD value

Returns (GstVideo.VideoAFDMeta)

the GstVideo.VideoAFDMeta on buffer.

Since : 1.18


GstVideoBarMeta *
gst_buffer_add_video_bar_meta (GstBuffer * buffer,
                               guint8 field,
                               gboolean is_letterbox,
                               guint bar_data1,
                               guint bar_data2)

Attaches GstVideoBarMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.



a GstBuffer


0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2


if true then bar data specifies letterbox, otherwise pillarbox


If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the last line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at top of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the last horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the left side of the reconstructed frame


If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the first line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at bottom of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the first horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the right side of the reconstructed frame.

Returns ( [transfer: none])

the GstVideoBarMeta on buffer.

See Table 6.11 Bar Data Syntax

Since : 1.18


function GstVideo.prototype.buffer_add_video_bar_meta(buffer: Gst.Buffer, field: Number, is_letterbox: Number, bar_data1: Number, bar_data2: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_video_bar_meta'

Attaches GstVideo.VideoBarMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

a Gst.Buffer

field (Number)

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

is_letterbox (Number)

if true then bar data specifies letterbox, otherwise pillarbox

bar_data1 (Number)

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the last line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at top of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the last horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the left side of the reconstructed frame

bar_data2 (Number)

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the first line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at bottom of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the first horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the right side of the reconstructed frame.

Returns (GstVideo.VideoBarMeta)

the GstVideo.VideoBarMeta on buffer.

See Table 6.11 Bar Data Syntax

Since : 1.18


def GstVideo.buffer_add_video_bar_meta (buffer, field, is_letterbox, bar_data1, bar_data2):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_video_bar_meta'

Attaches GstVideo.VideoBarMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

a Gst.Buffer

field (int)

0 for progressive or field 1 and 1 for field 2

is_letterbox (bool)

if true then bar data specifies letterbox, otherwise pillarbox

bar_data1 (int)

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the last line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at top of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the last horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the left side of the reconstructed frame

bar_data2 (int)

If is_letterbox is true, then the value specifies the first line of a horizontal letterbox bar area at bottom of reconstructed frame. Otherwise, it specifies the first horizontal luminance sample of a vertical pillarbox bar area at the right side of the reconstructed frame.

Returns (GstVideo.VideoBarMeta)

the GstVideo.VideoBarMeta on buffer.

See Table 6.11 Bar Data Syntax

Since : 1.18


GstVideoCaptionMeta *
gst_buffer_add_video_caption_meta (GstBuffer * buffer,
                                   GstVideoCaptionType caption_type,
                                   const guint8 * data,
                                   gsize size)

Attaches GstVideoCaptionMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.



a GstBuffer


The type of Closed Caption to add

data ( [arraylength=size][transfer: none])

The Closed Caption data


The size of data in bytes

Returns ( [transfer: none])

the GstVideoCaptionMeta on buffer.

Since : 1.16


function GstVideo.prototype.buffer_add_video_caption_meta(buffer: Gst.Buffer, caption_type: GstVideo.VideoCaptionType, data: [ Number ], size: Number): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_video_caption_meta'

Attaches GstVideo.VideoCaptionMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

a Gst.Buffer

caption_type (GstVideo.VideoCaptionType)

The type of Closed Caption to add

data ([ Number ])

The Closed Caption data

size (Number)

The size of data in bytes

Since : 1.16


def GstVideo.buffer_add_video_caption_meta (buffer, caption_type, data, size):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_buffer_add_video_caption_meta'

Attaches GstVideo.VideoCaptionMeta metadata to buffer with the given parameters.


buffer (Gst.Buffer)

a Gst.Buffer

caption_type (GstVideo.VideoCaptionType)

The type of Closed Caption to add

data ([ int ])

The Closed Caption data

size (int)

The size of data in bytes

Since : 1.16


gst_video_afd_meta_api_get_type ()
No description available


function GstVideo.prototype.video_afd_meta_api_get_type(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_afd_meta_api_get_type'
Returns (GObject.Type)
No description available


def GstVideo.video_afd_meta_api_get_type ():
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_afd_meta_api_get_type'
Returns (GObject.Type)
No description available


gst_video_bar_meta_api_get_type ()
No description available


function GstVideo.prototype.video_bar_meta_api_get_type(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_bar_meta_api_get_type'
Returns (GObject.Type)
No description available


def GstVideo.video_bar_meta_api_get_type ():
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_bar_meta_api_get_type'
Returns (GObject.Type)
No description available


gst_video_caption_meta_api_get_type ()
No description available


function GstVideo.prototype.video_caption_meta_api_get_type(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_meta_api_get_type'
Returns (GObject.Type)
No description available


def GstVideo.video_caption_meta_api_get_type ():
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_meta_api_get_type'
Returns (GObject.Type)
No description available


gst_video_caption_type_from_caps (const GstCaps * caps)

Parses fixed Closed Caption GstCaps and returns the corresponding caption type, or GST_VIDEO_CAPTION_TYPE_UNKNOWN.



Fixed GstCaps to parse



Since : 1.16


function GstVideo.prototype.video_caption_type_from_caps(caps: Gst.Caps): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_type_from_caps'

Parses fixed Closed Caption Gst.Caps and returns the corresponding caption type, or GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.UNKNOWN.


caps (Gst.Caps)

Fixed Gst.Caps to parse

Since : 1.16


def GstVideo.video_caption_type_from_caps (caps):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_type_from_caps'

Parses fixed Closed Caption Gst.Caps and returns the corresponding caption type, or GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.UNKNOWN.


caps (Gst.Caps)

Fixed Gst.Caps to parse

Since : 1.16


GstCaps *
gst_video_caption_type_to_caps (GstVideoCaptionType type)

Creates new caps corresponding to type.


Returns ( [transfer: full])

new GstCaps

Since : 1.16


function GstVideo.prototype.video_caption_type_to_caps(type: GstVideo.VideoCaptionType): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_type_to_caps'

Creates new caps corresponding to type.

Returns (Gst.Caps)

new Gst.Caps

Since : 1.16


def GstVideo.video_caption_type_to_caps (type):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_video_caption_type_to_caps'

Creates new caps corresponding to type.

Returns (Gst.Caps)

new Gst.Caps

Since : 1.16

Function Macros


#define GST_VIDEO_ANCILLARY_DID16(anc) ((guint16)((anc)->DID) << 8 | (guint16)((anc)->SDID_block_number))

Returns the GstVideoAncillaryDID16 of the ancillary data.



a GstVideoAncillary


a GstVideoAncillaryDID16 identifier

Since : 1.16


#define gst_buffer_get_ancillary_meta(b) \
  ((GstAncillaryMeta*)gst_buffer_get_meta((b), GST_ANCILLARY_META_API_TYPE)

Gets the GstAncillaryMeta that might be present on b.

Note: It is quite likely that there might be more than one ancillary meta on a given buffer. This function will only return the first one. See gst_buffer_iterate_ancillary_meta for a way to iterate over all ancillary metas of the buffer.



A GstBuffer


The first GstAncillaryMeta present on b, or NULL if none are present.

Since : 1.24


#define gst_buffer_get_video_afd_meta(b) \

Gets the GstVideoAFDMeta that might be present on b.

Note: there may be two GstVideoAFDMeta structs for interlaced video.



A GstBuffer

Returns ( [nullable])

The first GstVideoAFDMeta present on b, or NULL if no GstVideoAFDMeta are present

Since : 1.18


#define gst_buffer_get_video_bar_meta(b) \

Gets the GstVideoBarMeta that might be present on b.



A GstBuffer

Returns ( [nullable])

The first GstVideoBarMeta present on b, or NULL if no GstVideoBarMeta are present

Since : 1.18


#define gst_buffer_get_video_caption_meta(b) \

Gets the GstVideoCaptionMeta that might be present on b.



A GstBuffer

Returns ( [nullable])

The first GstVideoCaptionMeta present on b, or NULL if no GstVideoCaptionMeta are present

Since : 1.16


#define gst_buffer_iterate_ancillary_meta(b, s) \
  ((GstAncillaryMeta*)gst_buffer_iterate_meta_filtered((b), (s), GST_ANCILLARY_META_API_TYPE))

Retrieves the next GstAncillaryMeta after the current one according to s. If s points to NULL, the first GstAncillaryMeta will be returned (if any).

s will be updated with an opaque state pointer.



A GstBuffer

s ( [out])

An opaque state pointer

Returns ( [transfer: none][nullable])

The next GstAncillaryMeta present on b or NULL when there are no more items.

Since : 1.24



Location of a GstAncillaryMeta.


Progressive or no field specified (default)


Interlaced first field


Interlaced second field

Since : 1.24


Location of a GstAncillaryMeta.

GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField.PROGRESSIVE (0) –

Progressive or no field specified (default)

GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField.INTERLACED_FIRST (16) –

Interlaced first field

GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField.INTERLACED_SECOND (17) –

Interlaced second field

Since : 1.24


Location of a GstAncillaryMeta.

GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField.PROGRESSIVE (0) –

Progressive or no field specified (default)

GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField.INTERLACED_FIRST (16) –

Interlaced first field

GstVideo.AncillaryMetaField.INTERLACED_SECOND (17) –

Interlaced second field

Since : 1.24


Enumeration of the different standards that may apply to AFD data:

  1. ETSI/DVB:

  2. ATSC A/53:

  3. SMPTE ST2016-1:


AFD value is from DVB/ETSI standard


AFD value is from ATSC A/53 standard

No description available

Since : 1.18


Enumeration of the different standards that may apply to AFD data:

  1. ETSI/DVB:

  2. ATSC A/53:

  3. SMPTE ST2016-1:

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec.DVB_ETSI (0) –

AFD value is from DVB/ETSI standard

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec.ATSC_A53 (1) –

AFD value is from ATSC A/53 standard

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec.SMPTE_ST2016_1 (2) –
No description available

Since : 1.18


Enumeration of the different standards that may apply to AFD data:

  1. ETSI/DVB:

  2. ATSC A/53:

  3. SMPTE ST2016-1:

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec.DVB_ETSI (0) –

AFD value is from DVB/ETSI standard

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec.ATSC_A53 (1) –

AFD value is from ATSC A/53 standard

GstVideo.VideoAFDSpec.SMPTE_ST2016_1 (2) –
No description available

Since : 1.18


Enumeration of the various values for Active Format Description (AFD)

AFD should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame. AFD data may also be included in user data when the rectangular picture area containing useful information extends to the full height and width of the coded frame.

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics

and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes

and SMPTE ST2016-1


  1. AFD 0 is undefined for ATSC and SMPTE ST2016-1, indicating that AFD data is not available: If Bar Data is not present, AFD '0000' indicates that exact information is not available and the active image should be assumed to be the same as the coded frame. AFD '0000'. AFD '0000' accompanied by Bar Data signals that the active image’s aspect ratio is narrower than 16:9, but is not 4:3 or 14:9. As the exact aspect ratio cannot be conveyed by AFD alone, wherever possible, AFD ‘0000’ should be accompanied by Bar Data to define the exact vertical or horizontal extent of the active image.
  2. AFD 0 is reserved for DVB/ETSI
  3. values 1, 5, 6, 7, and 12 are reserved for both ATSC and DVB/ETSI
  4. values 2 and 3 are not recommended for ATSC, but are valid for DVB/ETSI

Unavailable (see note 0 below).


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9.

GST_VIDEO_AFD_4_3_FULL_16_9_FULL (8) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.


For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GST_VIDEO_AFD_16_9_LETTER_16_9_FULL (10) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame with all image areas protected. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with all image areas protected.


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.


For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center.


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center.


For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center.

Since : 1.18


Enumeration of the various values for Active Format Description (AFD)

AFD should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame. AFD data may also be included in user data when the rectangular picture area containing useful information extends to the full height and width of the coded frame.

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics

and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes

and SMPTE ST2016-1


  1. AFD 0 is undefined for ATSC and SMPTE ST2016-1, indicating that AFD data is not available: If Bar Data is not present, AFD '0000' indicates that exact information is not available and the active image should be assumed to be the same as the coded frame. AFD '0000'. AFD '0000' accompanied by Bar Data signals that the active image’s aspect ratio is narrower than 16:9, but is not 4:3 or 14:9. As the exact aspect ratio cannot be conveyed by AFD alone, wherever possible, AFD ‘0000’ should be accompanied by Bar Data to define the exact vertical or horizontal extent of the active image.
  2. AFD 0 is reserved for DVB/ETSI
  3. values 1, 5, 6, 7, and 12 are reserved for both ATSC and DVB/ETSI
  4. values 2 and 3 are not recommended for ATSC, but are valid for DVB/ETSI
GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.UNAVAILABLE (0) –

Unavailable (see note 0 below).

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_TOP_ALIGNED (2) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.14_9_TOP_ALIGNED (3) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.GREATER_THAN_16_9 (4) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.4_3_FULL_16_9_FULL (8) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.4_3_FULL_4_3_PILLAR (9) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_LETTER_16_9_FULL (10) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame with all image areas protected. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with all image areas protected.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.14_9_LETTER_14_9_PILLAR (11) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.4_3_FULL_14_9_CENTER (13) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_LETTER_14_9_CENTER (14) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_LETTER_4_3_CENTER (15) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center.

Since : 1.18


Enumeration of the various values for Active Format Description (AFD)

AFD should be included in video user data whenever the rectangular picture area containing useful information does not extend to the full height or width of the coded frame. AFD data may also be included in user data when the rectangular picture area containing useful information extends to the full height and width of the coded frame.

For details, see Table 6.14 Active Format in:

ATSC Digital Television Standard: Part 4 – MPEG-2 Video System Characteristics

and Active Format Description in Complete list of AFD codes

and SMPTE ST2016-1


  1. AFD 0 is undefined for ATSC and SMPTE ST2016-1, indicating that AFD data is not available: If Bar Data is not present, AFD '0000' indicates that exact information is not available and the active image should be assumed to be the same as the coded frame. AFD '0000'. AFD '0000' accompanied by Bar Data signals that the active image’s aspect ratio is narrower than 16:9, but is not 4:3 or 14:9. As the exact aspect ratio cannot be conveyed by AFD alone, wherever possible, AFD ‘0000’ should be accompanied by Bar Data to define the exact vertical or horizontal extent of the active image.
  2. AFD 0 is reserved for DVB/ETSI
  3. values 1, 5, 6, 7, and 12 are reserved for both ATSC and DVB/ETSI
  4. values 2 and 3 are not recommended for ATSC, but are valid for DVB/ETSI
GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.UNAVAILABLE (0) –

Unavailable (see note 0 below).

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_TOP_ALIGNED (2) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.14_9_TOP_ALIGNED (3) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, at top of the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.GREATER_THAN_16_9 (4) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, letterbox image with an aspect ratio greater than 16:9.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.4_3_FULL_16_9_FULL (8) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, the same as the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.4_3_FULL_4_3_PILLAR (9) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, the same as the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_LETTER_16_9_FULL (10) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame with all image areas protected. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with all image areas protected.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.14_9_LETTER_14_9_PILLAR (11) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 14:9 image, vertically centered in the coded frame. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 14:9 image, horizontally centered in the coded frame.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.4_3_FULL_14_9_CENTER (13) –

For 4:3 coded frame, full frame 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, pillarbox 4:3 image, with alternative 14:9 center.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_LETTER_14_9_CENTER (14) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 14:9 center.

GstVideo.VideoAFDValue.16_9_LETTER_4_3_CENTER (15) –

For 4:3 coded frame, letterbox 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center. For 16:9 coded frame, full frame 16:9 image, with alternative 4:3 center.

Since : 1.18


No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available
No description available

Since : 1.16


GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.UNDEFINED (0) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.DELETION (128) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_3G_AUDIO_DATA_FIRST (160) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_3G_AUDIO_DATA_LAST (167) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_HDTV_AUDIO_DATA_FIRST (224) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_HDTV_AUDIO_DATA_LAST (231) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_1_FIRST (236) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_1_LAST (239) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.CAMERA_POSITION (240) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_ERROR_DETECTION (244) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_2_FIRST (248) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_2_LAST (255) –
No description available

Since : 1.16


GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.UNDEFINED (0) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.DELETION (128) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_3G_AUDIO_DATA_FIRST (160) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_3G_AUDIO_DATA_LAST (167) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_HDTV_AUDIO_DATA_FIRST (224) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_HDTV_AUDIO_DATA_LAST (231) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_1_FIRST (236) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_1_LAST (239) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.CAMERA_POSITION (240) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_ERROR_DETECTION (244) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_2_FIRST (248) –
No description available
GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID.HANC_SDTV_AUDIO_DATA_2_LAST (255) –
No description available

Since : 1.16


Some know types of Ancillary Data identifiers.

GST_VIDEO_ANCILLARY_DID16_S334_EIA_708 (24833) –

CEA 708 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

GST_VIDEO_ANCILLARY_DID16_S334_EIA_608 (24834) –

CEA 608 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334


AFD/Bar Ancillary data according to SMPTE 2016-3 (Since: 1.18)

Since : 1.16


Some know types of Ancillary Data identifiers.

GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16.S334_EIA_708 (24833) –

CEA 708 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16.S334_EIA_608 (24834) –

CEA 608 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16.S2016_3_AFD_BAR (16645) –

AFD/Bar Ancillary data according to SMPTE 2016-3 (Since: 1.18)

Since : 1.16


Some know types of Ancillary Data identifiers.

GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16.S334_EIA_708 (24833) –

CEA 708 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16.S334_EIA_608 (24834) –

CEA 608 Ancillary data according to SMPTE 334

GstVideo.VideoAncillaryDID16.S2016_3_AFD_BAR (16645) –

AFD/Bar Ancillary data according to SMPTE 2016-3 (Since: 1.18)

Since : 1.16


The various known types of Closed Caption (CC).


Unknown type of CC


CEA-608 as byte pairs. Note that this format is not recommended since is does not specify to which field the caption comes from and therefore assumes it comes from the first field (and that there is no information on the second field). Use GST_VIDEO_CAPTION_TYPE_CEA708_RAW if you wish to store CEA-608 from two fields and prefix each byte pair with 0xFC for the first field and 0xFD for the second field.


CEA-608 as byte triplets as defined in SMPTE S334-1 Annex A. The second and third byte of the byte triplet is the raw CEA608 data, the first byte is a bitfield: The top/7th bit is 0 for the second field, 1 for the first field, bit 6 and 5 are 0 and bits 4 to 0 are a 5 bit unsigned integer that represents the line offset relative to the base-line of the original image format (line 9 for 525-line field 1, line 272 for 525-line field 2, line 5 for 625-line field 1 and line 318 for 625-line field 2).


CEA-708 as cc_data byte triplets. They can also contain 608-in-708 and the first byte of each triplet has to be inspected for detecting the type.


CEA-708 (and optionally CEA-608) in a CDP (Caption Distribution Packet) defined by SMPTE S-334-2. Contains the whole CDP (starting with 0x9669).

Since : 1.16


The various known types of Closed Caption (CC).

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.UNKNOWN (0) –

Unknown type of CC

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA608_RAW (1) –

CEA-608 as byte pairs. Note that this format is not recommended since is does not specify to which field the caption comes from and therefore assumes it comes from the first field (and that there is no information on the second field). Use GST_VIDEO_CAPTION_TYPE_CEA708_RAW if you wish to store CEA-608 from two fields and prefix each byte pair with 0xFC for the first field and 0xFD for the second field.

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA608_S334_1A (2) –

CEA-608 as byte triplets as defined in SMPTE S334-1 Annex A. The second and third byte of the byte triplet is the raw CEA608 data, the first byte is a bitfield: The top/7th bit is 0 for the second field, 1 for the first field, bit 6 and 5 are 0 and bits 4 to 0 are a 5 bit unsigned integer that represents the line offset relative to the base-line of the original image format (line 9 for 525-line field 1, line 272 for 525-line field 2, line 5 for 625-line field 1 and line 318 for 625-line field 2).

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA708_RAW (3) –

CEA-708 as cc_data byte triplets. They can also contain 608-in-708 and the first byte of each triplet has to be inspected for detecting the type.

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA708_CDP (4) –

CEA-708 (and optionally CEA-608) in a CDP (Caption Distribution Packet) defined by SMPTE S-334-2. Contains the whole CDP (starting with 0x9669).

Since : 1.16


The various known types of Closed Caption (CC).

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.UNKNOWN (0) –

Unknown type of CC

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA608_RAW (1) –

CEA-608 as byte pairs. Note that this format is not recommended since is does not specify to which field the caption comes from and therefore assumes it comes from the first field (and that there is no information on the second field). Use GST_VIDEO_CAPTION_TYPE_CEA708_RAW if you wish to store CEA-608 from two fields and prefix each byte pair with 0xFC for the first field and 0xFD for the second field.

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA608_S334_1A (2) –

CEA-608 as byte triplets as defined in SMPTE S334-1 Annex A. The second and third byte of the byte triplet is the raw CEA608 data, the first byte is a bitfield: The top/7th bit is 0 for the second field, 1 for the first field, bit 6 and 5 are 0 and bits 4 to 0 are a 5 bit unsigned integer that represents the line offset relative to the base-line of the original image format (line 9 for 525-line field 1, line 272 for 525-line field 2, line 5 for 625-line field 1 and line 318 for 625-line field 2).

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA708_RAW (3) –

CEA-708 as cc_data byte triplets. They can also contain 608-in-708 and the first byte of each triplet has to be inspected for detecting the type.

GstVideo.VideoCaptionType.CEA708_CDP (4) –

CEA-708 (and optionally CEA-608) in a CDP (Caption Distribution Packet) defined by SMPTE S-334-2. Contains the whole CDP (starting with 0x9669).

Since : 1.16


Return values for GstVideoVBIParser


No line were provided, or no more Ancillary data was found.


A GstVideoAncillary was found.


An error occurred

Since : 1.16


Return values for GstVideo.VideoVBIParser

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.DONE (0) –

No line were provided, or no more Ancillary data was found.

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.OK (1) –

A GstVideo.VideoAncillary was found.

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.ERROR (2) –

An error occurred

Since : 1.16


Return values for GstVideo.VideoVBIParser

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.DONE (0) –

No line were provided, or no more Ancillary data was found.

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.OK (1) –

A GstVideo.VideoAncillary was found.

GstVideo.VideoVBIParserResult.ERROR (2) –

An error occurred

Since : 1.16



#define GST_VIDEO_AFD_META_API_TYPE (gst_video_afd_meta_api_get_type())


#define GST_VIDEO_AFD_META_INFO (gst_video_afd_meta_get_info())


#define GST_VIDEO_BAR_META_API_TYPE (gst_video_bar_meta_api_get_type())


#define GST_VIDEO_BAR_META_INFO (gst_video_bar_meta_get_info())


#define GST_VIDEO_CAPTION_META_API_TYPE (gst_video_caption_meta_api_get_type())


#define GST_VIDEO_CAPTION_META_INFO (gst_video_caption_meta_get_info())

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