
Write incoming data to a series of sequentially-named remote files on a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

The object-name property should contain a string with a %d placeholder that will be substituted with the index for each filename.

If the post-messages property is TRUE, it sends an application message named GstGsSink after writing each buffer.

The message's structure contains these fields:

  • gchararray filename: the filename where the buffer was written.
  • gchararray date: the date of the current buffer, NULL if no start date is provided.
  • gint index: index of the buffer.
  • GstClockTime timestamp: the timestamp of the buffer.
  • GstClockTime stream-time: the stream time of the buffer.
  • GstClockTime running-time: the running_time of the buffer.
  • GstClockTime duration: the duration of the buffer.
  • guint64 offset: the offset of the buffer that triggered the message.
  • guint64 offset-end: the offset-end of the buffer that triggered the message.

Example launch line

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=15 ! pngenc ! gssink
object-name="mypath/myframes/frame%05d.png" bucket-name="mybucket"
next-file=buffer post-messages=true

Upload 15 png images into gs://mybucket/mypath/myframes/ where the file

names are frame00000.png, frame00001.png, ..., frame00014.png

gst-launch-1.0 videotestsrc num-buffers=6 ! video/x-raw, framerate=2/1 !
pngenc ! gssink start-date="2020-04-16T08:55:03Z"
object-name="mypath/myframes/im_%s_%03d.png" bucket-name="mybucket"
next-file=buffer post-messages=true

Upload png 6 images into gs://mybucket/mypath/myframes/ where the file

names are im_2020-04-16T08:55:03Z_000.png, im_2020-04-16T08:55:03Z_001.png, im_2020-04-16T08:55:04Z_002.png, im_2020-04-16T08:55:04Z_003.png, im_2020-04-16T08:55:05Z_004.png, im_2020-04-16T08:55:05Z_005.png.

gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=some_video.mp4 ! gssink
object-name="mypath/myvideos/video.mp4" bucket-name="mybucket" next-file=none

Upload any stream as a single file into Google Cloud Storage. Similar as

filesink in this case. The file is then accessible from: gs://mybucket/mypath/myvideos/video.mp4

See also: gssrc



Factory details

Authors: – Julien Isorce


Rank – none

Plugin – gs

Package – GStreamer Bad Plug-ins

Pad Templates





Object typeGstPad



“bucket-name” gchararray

Name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : NULL

Since : 1.20


“index” gint

Index to use with location property to create file names.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : 0

Since : 1.20


“next-file” Gs-sink-next *

A Gs-sink-next that specifies when to start a new file.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : buffer (0)

Since : 1.20


“object-name” gchararray

Full path name of the remote file.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : %%s_%%05d

Since : 1.20


“post-messages” gboolean

Post a message on the GstBus for each file.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : false

Since : 1.20


“service-account-email” gchararray

Service Account Email to use for credentials.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : NULL

Since : 1.20


“start-date” gchararray

Start date in iso8601 format.

Flags : Read / Write

Default value : NULL

Since : 1.20

Named constants


File splitting modes.


buffer (0) – New file for each buffer
Only one file, no next file (1) – New file for each buffer

Since : 1.20

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