
A GstIterator is used to retrieve multiple objects from another object in a threadsafe way.

Various GStreamer objects provide access to their internal structures using an iterator.

Note that if calling a GstIterator function results in your code receiving a refcounted object (with, say, g_value_get_object), the refcount for that object will not be increased. Your code is responsible for taking a reference if it wants to continue using it later.

The basic use pattern of an iterator is as follows:

   GstIterator *it = _get_iterator(object);
   GValue item = G_VALUE_INIT;
   done = FALSE;
   while (!done) {
     switch (gst_iterator_next (it, &item)) {
       case GST_ITERATOR_OK:
         ...get/use/change item here...
         g_value_reset (&item);
         ...rollback changes to items...
         gst_iterator_resync (it);
         ...wrong parameters were given...
         done = TRUE;
       case GST_ITERATOR_DONE:
         done = TRUE;
   g_value_unset (&item);
   gst_iterator_free (it);


GstIterator base structure. The values of this structure are protected for subclasses, use the methods to use the GstIterator.


The function to copy the iterator

The function to get the next item in the iterator

The function to be called for each item retrieved

The function to call when a resync is needed.

The function to call when the iterator is freed

pushed (GstIterator *) –

The iterator that is currently pushed with gst_iterator_push

type (GType) –

The type of the object that this iterator will return

lock (GMutex *) –

The lock protecting the data structure and the cookie.

cookie (guint32) –

The cookie; the value of the master_cookie when this iterator was created.

master_cookie (guint32 *) –

A pointer to the master cookie.

size (guint) –

the size of the iterator


Gst.Iterator base structure. The values of this structure are protected for subclasses, use the methods to use the Gst.Iterator.


The function to copy the iterator

The function to get the next item in the iterator

The function to be called for each item retrieved

The function to call when a resync is needed.

The function to call when the iterator is freed

pushed (Gst.Iterator) –

The iterator that is currently pushed with Gst.Iterator.prototype.push

type (GObject.Type) –

The type of the object that this iterator will return

lock (GLib.Mutex) –

The lock protecting the data structure and the cookie.

cookie (Number) –

The cookie; the value of the master_cookie when this iterator was created.

master_cookie (Number) –

A pointer to the master cookie.

size (Number) –

the size of the iterator


Gst.Iterator base structure. The values of this structure are protected for subclasses, use the methods to use the Gst.Iterator.


The function to copy the iterator

The function to get the next item in the iterator

The function to be called for each item retrieved

The function to call when a resync is needed.

The function to call when the iterator is freed

pushed (Gst.Iterator) –

The iterator that is currently pushed with Gst.Iterator.push

type (GObject.Type) –

The type of the object that this iterator will return

lock (GLib.Mutex) –

The lock protecting the data structure and the cookie.

cookie (int) –

The cookie; the value of the master_cookie when this iterator was created.

master_cookie (int) –

A pointer to the master cookie.

size (int) –

the size of the iterator



GstIterator *
gst_iterator_new (guint size,
                  GType type,
                  GMutex * lock,
                  guint32 * master_cookie,
                  GstIteratorCopyFunction copy,
                  GstIteratorNextFunction next,
                  GstIteratorItemFunction item,
                  GstIteratorResyncFunction resync,
                  GstIteratorFreeFunction free)

Create a new iterator. This function is mainly used for objects implementing the next/resync/free function to iterate a data structure.

For each item retrieved, the item function is called with the lock held. The free function is called when the iterator is freed.



the size of the iterator structure


GType of children


pointer to a GMutex.


pointer to a guint32 that is changed when the items in the iterator changed.


copy function


function to get next item


function to call on each item retrieved


function to resync the iterator


function to free the iterator


the new GstIterator.

MT safe.


GstIterator *
gst_iterator_new_list (GType type,
                       GMutex * lock,
                       guint32 * master_cookie,
                       GList ** list,
                       GObject * owner,
                       GstIteratorItemFunction item)

Create a new iterator designed for iterating list.

The list you iterate is usually part of a data structure owner and is protected with lock.

The iterator will use lock to retrieve the next item of the list and it will then call the item function before releasing lock again.

When a concurrent update to the list is performed, usually by owner while holding lock, master_cookie will be updated. The iterator implementation will notice the update of the cookie and will return GST_ITERATOR_RESYNC to the user of the iterator in the next call to gst_iterator_next.



GType of elements


pointer to a GMutex protecting the list.


pointer to a guint32 that is incremented when the list is changed.


pointer to the list


object owning the list


function to call on each item retrieved


the new GstIterator for list.

MT safe.


GstIterator *
gst_iterator_new_single (GType type,
                         const GValue * object)

This GstIterator is a convenient iterator for the common case where a GstIterator needs to be returned but only a single object has to be considered. This happens often for the GstPadIterIntLinkFunction.



GType of the passed object


object that this iterator should return


the new GstIterator for object.


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.new_single(type: GObject.Type, object: GObject.Value): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_new_single'

This Gst.Iterator is a convenient iterator for the common case where a Gst.Iterator needs to be returned but only a single object has to be considered. This happens often for the Gst.PadIterIntLinkFunction.


type (GObject.Type)

GObject.Type of the passed object

object (GObject.Value)

object that this iterator should return

Returns (Gst.Iterator)

the new Gst.Iterator for object.


def Gst.Iterator.new_single (type, object):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_new_single'

This Gst.Iterator is a convenient iterator for the common case where a Gst.Iterator needs to be returned but only a single object has to be considered. This happens often for the Gst.PadIterIntLinkFunction.


type (GObject.Type)

GObject.Type of the passed object

object (GObject.Value)

object that this iterator should return

Returns (Gst.Iterator)

the new Gst.Iterator for object.



GstIterator *
gst_iterator_copy (const GstIterator * it)

Copy the iterator and its state.



a GstIterator


a new copy of it.


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.copy(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_copy'

Copy the iterator and its state.


Returns (Gst.Iterator)

a new copy of it.


def Gst.Iterator.copy (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_copy'

Copy the iterator and its state.


Returns (Gst.Iterator)

a new copy of it.


GstIterator *
gst_iterator_filter (GstIterator * it,
                     GCompareFunc func,
                     const GValue * user_data)

Create a new iterator from an existing iterator. The new iterator will only return those elements that match the given compare function func. The first parameter that is passed to func is the GValue of the current iterator element and the second parameter is user_data. func should return 0 for elements that should be included in the filtered iterator.

When this iterator is freed, it will also be freed.



The GstIterator to filter

func ( [scope call])

the compare function to select elements

user_data ( [closure])

user data passed to the compare function

Returns ( [transfer: full])

a new GstIterator.

MT safe.


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.filter(func: GLib.CompareFunc, user_data: GObject.Value): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_filter'

Create a new iterator from an existing iterator. The new iterator will only return those elements that match the given compare function func. The first parameter that is passed to func is the GObject.Value of the current iterator element and the second parameter is user_data. func should return 0 for elements that should be included in the filtered iterator.

When this iterator is freed, it will also be freed.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to filter

func (GLib.CompareFunc)

the compare function to select elements

user_data (GObject.Value)

user data passed to the compare function

Returns (Gst.Iterator)

a new Gst.Iterator.

MT safe.


def Gst.Iterator.filter (self, func, user_data):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_filter'

Create a new iterator from an existing iterator. The new iterator will only return those elements that match the given compare function func. The first parameter that is passed to func is the GObject.Value of the current iterator element and the second parameter is user_data. func should return 0 for elements that should be included in the filtered iterator.

When this iterator is freed, it will also be freed.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to filter

func (GLib.CompareFunc)

the compare function to select elements

user_data (GObject.Value)

user data passed to the compare function

Returns (Gst.Iterator)

a new Gst.Iterator.

MT safe.


gst_iterator_find_custom (GstIterator * it,
                          GCompareFunc func,
                          GValue * elem,
                          gpointer user_data)

Find the first element in it that matches the compare function func. func should return 0 when the element is found. The first parameter to func will be the current element of the iterator and the second parameter will be user_data. The result will be stored in elem if a result is found.

The iterator will not be freed.

This function will return FALSE if an error happened to the iterator or if the element wasn't found.



The GstIterator to iterate

func ( [scope call])

the compare function to use

elem ( [out])

pointer to a GValue where to store the result

user_data ( [closure])

user data passed to the compare function


Returns TRUE if the element was found, else FALSE.

MT safe.


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.find_custom(func: GLib.CompareFunc, user_data: Object): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_find_custom'

Find the first element in it that matches the compare function func. func should return 0 when the element is found. The first parameter to func will be the current element of the iterator and the second parameter will be user_data. The result will be stored in elem if a result is found.

The iterator will not be freed.

This function will return false if an error happened to the iterator or if the element wasn't found.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to iterate

func (GLib.CompareFunc)

the compare function to use

user_data (Object)

user data passed to the compare function

Returns a tuple made of:

(Number )

Returns true if the element was found, else false.

MT safe.

elem (GObject.Value )

Returns true if the element was found, else false.

MT safe.


def Gst.Iterator.find_custom (self, func, *user_data):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_find_custom'

Find the first element in it that matches the compare function func. func should return 0 when the element is found. The first parameter to func will be the current element of the iterator and the second parameter will be user_data. The result will be stored in elem if a result is found.

The iterator will not be freed.

This function will return False if an error happened to the iterator or if the element wasn't found.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to iterate

func (GLib.CompareFunc)

the compare function to use

user_data (variadic)

user data passed to the compare function

Returns a tuple made of:

(bool )

Returns True if the element was found, else False.

MT safe.

elem (GObject.Value )

Returns True if the element was found, else False.

MT safe.


gst_iterator_fold (GstIterator * it,
                   GstIteratorFoldFunction func,
                   GValue * ret,
                   gpointer user_data)

Folds func over the elements of iter. That is to say, func will be called as func (object, ret, user_data) for each object in it. The normal use of this procedure is to accumulate the results of operating on the objects in ret.

This procedure can be used (and is used internally) to implement the gst_iterator_foreach and gst_iterator_find_custom operations.

The fold will proceed as long as func returns TRUE. When the iterator has no more arguments, GST_ITERATOR_DONE will be returned. If func returns FALSE, the fold will stop, and GST_ITERATOR_OK will be returned. Errors or resyncs will cause fold to return GST_ITERATOR_ERROR or GST_ITERATOR_RESYNC as appropriate.

The iterator will not be freed.



The GstIterator to fold over

func ( [scope call])

the fold function


the seed value passed to the fold function

user_data ( [closure])

user data passed to the fold function


A GstIteratorResult, as described above.

MT safe.


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.fold(func: Gst.IteratorFoldFunction, ret: GObject.Value, user_data: Object): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_fold'

Folds func over the elements of iter. That is to say, func will be called as func (object, ret, user_data) for each object in it. The normal use of this procedure is to accumulate the results of operating on the objects in ret.

This procedure can be used (and is used internally) to implement the Gst.Iterator.prototype.foreach and Gst.Iterator.prototype.find_custom operations.

The fold will proceed as long as func returns true. When the iterator has no more arguments, Gst.IteratorResult.DONE will be returned. If func returns false, the fold will stop, and Gst.IteratorResult.OK will be returned. Errors or resyncs will cause fold to return Gst.IteratorResult.ERROR or Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC as appropriate.

The iterator will not be freed.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to fold over

the fold function

ret (GObject.Value)

the seed value passed to the fold function

user_data (Object)

user data passed to the fold function

Returns (Gst.IteratorResult)

A Gst.IteratorResult, as described above.

MT safe.


def Gst.Iterator.fold (self, func, ret, *user_data):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_fold'

Folds func over the elements of iter. That is to say, func will be called as func (object, ret, user_data) for each object in it. The normal use of this procedure is to accumulate the results of operating on the objects in ret.

This procedure can be used (and is used internally) to implement the Gst.Iterator.foreach and Gst.Iterator.find_custom operations.

The fold will proceed as long as func returns True. When the iterator has no more arguments, Gst.IteratorResult.DONE will be returned. If func returns False, the fold will stop, and Gst.IteratorResult.OK will be returned. Errors or resyncs will cause fold to return Gst.IteratorResult.ERROR or Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC as appropriate.

The iterator will not be freed.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to fold over

the fold function

ret (GObject.Value)

the seed value passed to the fold function

user_data (variadic)

user data passed to the fold function

Returns (Gst.IteratorResult)

A Gst.IteratorResult, as described above.

MT safe.


gst_iterator_foreach (GstIterator * it,
                      GstIteratorForeachFunction func,
                      gpointer user_data)

Iterate over all element of it and call the given function func for each element.



The GstIterator to iterate

func ( [scope call])

the function to call for each element.

user_data ( [closure])

user data passed to the function


the result call to gst_iterator_fold. The iterator will not be freed.

MT safe.


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.foreach(func: Gst.IteratorForeachFunction, user_data: Object): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_foreach'

Iterate over all element of it and call the given function func for each element.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to iterate

the function to call for each element.

user_data (Object)

user data passed to the function

Returns (Gst.IteratorResult)

the result call to Gst.Iterator.prototype.fold. The iterator will not be freed.

MT safe.


def Gst.Iterator.foreach (self, func, *user_data):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_foreach'

Iterate over all element of it and call the given function func for each element.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to iterate

the function to call for each element.

user_data (variadic)

user data passed to the function

Returns (Gst.IteratorResult)

the result call to Gst.Iterator.fold. The iterator will not be freed.

MT safe.


gst_iterator_free (GstIterator * it)

Free the iterator.

MT safe.



The GstIterator to free

function {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_free'

Free the iterator.

MT safe.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to free

def (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_free'

Free the iterator.

MT safe.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to free


gst_iterator_next (GstIterator * it,
                   GValue * elem)

Get the next item from the iterator in elem.

Only when this function returns GST_ITERATOR_OK, elem will contain a valid value. elem must have been initialized to the type of the iterator or initialized to zeroes with g_value_unset. The caller is responsible for unsetting or resetting elem with g_value_unset or g_value_reset after usage.

When this function returns GST_ITERATOR_DONE, no more elements can be retrieved from it.

A return value of GST_ITERATOR_RESYNC indicates that the element list was concurrently updated. The user of it should call gst_iterator_resync to get the newly updated list.

A return value of GST_ITERATOR_ERROR indicates an unrecoverable fatal error.



The GstIterator to iterate

elem ( [out])

pointer to hold next element


The result of the iteration. Unset elem after usage.

MT safe.

function {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_next'

Get the next item from the iterator in elem.

Only when this function returns Gst.IteratorResult.OK, elem will contain a valid value. elem must have been initialized to the type of the iterator or initialized to zeroes with GObject.Value.prototype.unset. The caller is responsible for unsetting or resetting elem with GObject.Value.prototype.unset or GObject.Value.prototype.reset after usage.

When this function returns Gst.IteratorResult.DONE, no more elements can be retrieved from it.

A return value of Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC indicates that the element list was concurrently updated. The user of it should call Gst.Iterator.prototype.resync to get the newly updated list.

A return value of Gst.IteratorResult.ERROR indicates an unrecoverable fatal error.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to iterate

Returns a tuple made of:

The result of the iteration. Unset elem after usage.

MT safe.

elem (GObject.Value )

The result of the iteration. Unset elem after usage.

MT safe.

def (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_next'

Get the next item from the iterator in elem.

Only when this function returns Gst.IteratorResult.OK, elem will contain a valid value. elem must have been initialized to the type of the iterator or initialized to zeroes with GObject.Value.unset. The caller is responsible for unsetting or resetting elem with GObject.Value.unset or GObject.Value.reset after usage.

When this function returns Gst.IteratorResult.DONE, no more elements can be retrieved from it.

A return value of Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC indicates that the element list was concurrently updated. The user of it should call Gst.Iterator.resync to get the newly updated list.

A return value of Gst.IteratorResult.ERROR indicates an unrecoverable fatal error.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to iterate

Returns a tuple made of:

The result of the iteration. Unset elem after usage.

MT safe.

elem (GObject.Value )

The result of the iteration. Unset elem after usage.

MT safe.


gst_iterator_push (GstIterator * it,
                   GstIterator * other)

Pushes other iterator onto it. All calls performed on it are forwarded to other. If other returns GST_ITERATOR_DONE, it is popped again and calls are handled by it again.

This function is mainly used by objects implementing the iterator next function to recurse into substructures.

When gst_iterator_resync is called on it, other will automatically be popped.

MT safe.



The GstIterator to use


The GstIterator to push


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.push(other: Gst.Iterator): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_push'

Pushes other iterator onto it. All calls performed on it are forwarded to other. If other returns Gst.IteratorResult.DONE, it is popped again and calls are handled by it again.

This function is mainly used by objects implementing the iterator next function to recurse into substructures.

When Gst.Iterator.prototype.resync is called on it, other will automatically be popped.

MT safe.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to use

other (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to push


def Gst.Iterator.push (self, other):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_push'

Pushes other iterator onto it. All calls performed on it are forwarded to other. If other returns Gst.IteratorResult.DONE, it is popped again and calls are handled by it again.

This function is mainly used by objects implementing the iterator next function to recurse into substructures.

When Gst.Iterator.resync is called on it, other will automatically be popped.

MT safe.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to use

other (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to push


gst_iterator_resync (GstIterator * it)

Resync the iterator. this function is mostly called after gst_iterator_next returned GST_ITERATOR_RESYNC.

When an iterator was pushed on it, it will automatically be popped again with this function.

MT safe.



The GstIterator to resync


function Gst.Iterator.prototype.resync(): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'gst_iterator_resync'

Resync the iterator. this function is mostly called after returned Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC.

When an iterator was pushed on it, it will automatically be popped again with this function.

MT safe.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to resync


def Gst.Iterator.resync (self):
    #python wrapper for 'gst_iterator_resync'

Resync the iterator. this function is mostly called after returned Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC.

When an iterator was pushed on it, it will automatically be popped again with this function.

MT safe.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The Gst.Iterator to resync

Function Macros


#define GST_ITERATOR(it)                ((GstIterator*)(it))

Macro to cast to a GstIterator



the GstIterator value


#define GST_ITERATOR_LOCK(it)           (GST_ITERATOR(it)->lock)

Macro to get the lock protecting the datastructure being iterated.



the GstIterator to get the lock of



The result of a GstIteratorItemFunction.


Skip this item


Return item


Stop after this item.


The result of a Gst.IteratorItemFunction.

Gst.IteratorItem.SKIP (0) –

Skip this item

Gst.IteratorItem.PASS (1) –

Return item

Gst.IteratorItem.END (2) –

Stop after this item.


The result of a Gst.IteratorItemFunction.

Gst.IteratorItem.SKIP (0) –

Skip this item

Gst.IteratorItem.PASS (1) –

Return item

Gst.IteratorItem.END (2) –

Stop after this item.


The result of gst_iterator_next.


No more items in the iterator


An item was retrieved


Datastructure changed while iterating


An error happened


The result of

Gst.IteratorResult.DONE (0) –

No more items in the iterator

Gst.IteratorResult.OK (1) –

An item was retrieved

Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC (2) –

Datastructure changed while iterating

Gst.IteratorResult.ERROR (3) –

An error happened


The result of

Gst.IteratorResult.DONE (0) –

No more items in the iterator

Gst.IteratorResult.OK (1) –

An item was retrieved

Gst.IteratorResult.RESYNC (2) –

Datastructure changed while iterating

Gst.IteratorResult.ERROR (3) –

An error happened



(*GstIteratorCopyFunction) (const GstIterator * it,
                            GstIterator * copy)

This function will be called when creating a copy of it and should create a copy of all custom iterator fields or increase their reference counts.



The original iterator


The copied iterator


function Gst.IteratorCopyFunction(it: Gst.Iterator, copy: Gst.Iterator): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorCopyFunction'

This function will be called when creating a copy of it and should create a copy of all custom iterator fields or increase their reference counts.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The original iterator

copy (Gst.Iterator)

The copied iterator


def Gst.IteratorCopyFunction (it, copy):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorCopyFunction'

This function will be called when creating a copy of it and should create a copy of all custom iterator fields or increase their reference counts.


it (Gst.Iterator)

The original iterator

copy (Gst.Iterator)

The copied iterator


(*GstIteratorFoldFunction) (const GValue * item,
                            GValue * ret,
                            gpointer user_data)

A function to be passed to gst_iterator_fold.



the item to fold


a GValue collecting the result


data passed to gst_iterator_fold


TRUE if the fold should continue, FALSE if it should stop.


function Gst.IteratorFoldFunction(item: GObject.Value, ret: GObject.Value, user_data: Object): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorFoldFunction'

A function to be passed to Gst.Iterator.prototype.fold.


item (GObject.Value)

the item to fold

ret (GObject.Value)

a GObject.Value collecting the result

user_data (Object)

data passed to Gst.Iterator.prototype.fold

Returns (Number)

true if the fold should continue, false if it should stop.


def Gst.IteratorFoldFunction (item, ret, *user_data):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorFoldFunction'

A function to be passed to Gst.Iterator.fold.


item (GObject.Value)

the item to fold

ret (GObject.Value)

a GObject.Value collecting the result

user_data (variadic)

data passed to Gst.Iterator.fold

Returns (bool)

True if the fold should continue, False if it should stop.


(*GstIteratorForeachFunction) (const GValue * item,
                               gpointer user_data)

A function that is called by gst_iterator_foreach for every element.



The item


User data


function Gst.IteratorForeachFunction(item: GObject.Value, user_data: Object): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorForeachFunction'

A function that is called by Gst.Iterator.prototype.foreach for every element.


item (GObject.Value)

The item

user_data (Object)

User data


def Gst.IteratorForeachFunction (item, *user_data):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorForeachFunction'

A function that is called by Gst.Iterator.foreach for every element.


item (GObject.Value)

The item

user_data (variadic)

User data


(*GstIteratorFreeFunction) (GstIterator * it)

This function will be called when the iterator is freed.

Implementors of a GstIterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.



the iterator


function Gst.IteratorFreeFunction(it: Gst.Iterator): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorFreeFunction'

This function will be called when the iterator is freed.

Implementors of a Gst.Iterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator


def Gst.IteratorFreeFunction (it):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorFreeFunction'

This function will be called when the iterator is freed.

Implementors of a Gst.Iterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator


(*GstIteratorItemFunction) (GstIterator * it,
                            const GValue * item)

The function that will be called after the next item of the iterator has been retrieved. This function can be used to skip items or stop the iterator.

The function will be called with the iterator lock held.



the iterator


the item being retrieved.


the result of the operation.


function Gst.IteratorItemFunction(it: Gst.Iterator, item: GObject.Value): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorItemFunction'

The function that will be called after the next item of the iterator has been retrieved. This function can be used to skip items or stop the iterator.

The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator

item (GObject.Value)

the item being retrieved.

Returns (Gst.IteratorItem)

the result of the operation.


def Gst.IteratorItemFunction (it, item):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorItemFunction'

The function that will be called after the next item of the iterator has been retrieved. This function can be used to skip items or stop the iterator.

The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator

item (GObject.Value)

the item being retrieved.

Returns (Gst.IteratorItem)

the result of the operation.


(*GstIteratorNextFunction) (GstIterator * it,
                            GValue * result)

The function that will be called when the next element of the iterator should be retrieved.

Implementors of a GstIterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.



the iterator


a pointer to hold the next item


the result of the operation.


function Gst.IteratorNextFunction(it: Gst.Iterator, result: GObject.Value): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorNextFunction'

The function that will be called when the next element of the iterator should be retrieved.

Implementors of a Gst.Iterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator

result (GObject.Value)

a pointer to hold the next item

Returns (Gst.IteratorResult)

the result of the operation.


def Gst.IteratorNextFunction (it, result):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorNextFunction'

The function that will be called when the next element of the iterator should be retrieved.

Implementors of a Gst.Iterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator

result (GObject.Value)

a pointer to hold the next item

Returns (Gst.IteratorResult)

the result of the operation.


(*GstIteratorResyncFunction) (GstIterator * it)

This function will be called whenever a concurrent update happened to the iterated datastructure. The implementor of the iterator should restart the iterator from the beginning and clean up any state it might have.

Implementors of a GstIterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.



the iterator


function Gst.IteratorResyncFunction(it: Gst.Iterator): {
    // javascript wrapper for 'GstIteratorResyncFunction'

This function will be called whenever a concurrent update happened to the iterated datastructure. The implementor of the iterator should restart the iterator from the beginning and clean up any state it might have.

Implementors of a Gst.Iterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator


def Gst.IteratorResyncFunction (it):
    #python wrapper for 'GstIteratorResyncFunction'

This function will be called whenever a concurrent update happened to the iterated datastructure. The implementor of the iterator should restart the iterator from the beginning and clean up any state it might have.

Implementors of a Gst.Iterator should implement this function and pass it to the constructor of the custom iterator. The function will be called with the iterator lock held.


it (Gst.Iterator)

the iterator

The results of the search are